The International Association
for Ecology (INTECOL)
e-mail: [email protected]
7 July 2005
Dear Members and Supporters of INTECOL,
The IX Montreal Congress joint with the 90th
Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America is now just a month
away. When I last heard, about a week ago, there were 3,000 people
registered with probably many more to come, so this should prove to be a great
celebration of ecological science. The
final programme looks to be exceptionally strong. If you are still trying
to decide whether or not to attend, let me encourage you to register and be
part of what should prove to be a most memorable Congress. </span>For further details of the Congress and the arrangements
please visit our web page at
The membership of INTECOL has been growing steadily
during the year, and we now have an excellent coverage of countries. But
can I also take this opportunity to encourage you to persuade more ofyour
ecological friends to join us? Membership is free until after the Montreal Congress to all
those who join through the web site (<p>
I am very much looking forward to meeting many old and
new friends in Montreal,
and of course to learning much new science,
With kindest regards,
John Lee
President, INTECOL