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Welcome to the new INTECOL web site!

President, Professor John A. Lee

A very warm welcome to the new web site from both the Officers and Board Members of INTECOL. We very much hope that the site will allow an increased participation in the Society's affairs by all those interested in the science of ecology and its application worldwide. The marvels of electronic communication have made this much more possible now than previously, particularly in a society with its officers, board and members dispersed in many parts of the world.

For those of you new to INTECOL, it is a society founded
in 1967 which has organised major scientific meetings, in particular the International Congresses of Ecology.

Sub-groups of the Society have also arranged major meetings of which the International Wetlands Conferences have been particularly successful over the years. These major meetings and congresses are held at approximately four-year intervals. Most recently the 8th International Congress of Ecology was held in Seoul, Korea in 2002, and the 6th International Wetlands Congress in Quebec, Canada in 2000.

Over the years the Congresses and the International Wetlands Conferences have attracted large numbers of ecologists, but there is also the possibility of organising equally successful smaller meetings and workshops, and indeed several sub-groups, notably one interested in statistical ecology, have done so in the past. In the electronic age there is also the opportunity to organise virtual meetings on a whole range of important and pressing ecological topics.

In recent years we have tried to keep in contact with our members between congresses and meetings through newsletters. However, it has proved difficult to maintain communication with everyone as people have moved institutions and addresses have changed. We are thus moving solely to an electronic system of communication, and hope that the vast majority of members will find this more convenient.

To encourage new members to join and old members to re-register, we are offering free membership to all with an interest in the science of ecology and its application for 2004 and 2005, provided that they register their details through the new web site.

I am particularly indebted to the Ecological Society of Korea and its President, Professor Byung-Sun Ihm, one of the first four Honorary Members of INTECOL, for agreeing to host our new web site. I am also very much indebted to Professor Eun-Shik Kim, an INTECOL Board Member, for acting as the web master. I hope that this excellent example of the involvement of a national society in the operations of INTECOL outside of the Congresses will be the first of many.

I am very much looking forward to meeting many old and new members at our next two show case conferences: The 7th International Wetlands Conference in Utrecht, The Netherlands in July 2004, and the 9th International Congress of Ecology, joint with the Ecological Society of America, in Montreal, Canada in August 2005. I am also hoping that you will warmly welcome this new way of organising the Society, and will want to become actively involved in our affairs.

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