[email protected],
[email protected]
Mobile no. – 91-9967665494
Indian; Born on June 30, 1983; Unmarried
Insect Tissue Culture, Butterfly- biodiversity, taxonomy, behavior, population dynamics, molecular ecology (DNA Bar-coding), correlation biology
Present Status: Research fellow, UGC Major Research project, Department of Zoology, RTM Nagpur University Campus, Nagpur-440 033 in the project entitled "Establishment of new cell lines Bombyx mori L. for production of potentially useful insect baculoviruses"
Ph. D. (Registered July 2006)
Title of thesis: "Butterflies from Nagpur city, central India: Diversity, population, nectar and larval host plants and the implications for conservation"
Advisors: Professor Dr. A. M. Khurad, Department of Zoology, Entomology Division, R.T.M.NagpurUniversity, Nagpur-440 033, India.
Master of Science in Zoology, Specialization - Molecular Biology, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, India.
M.Sc. PROJECT WORK "Study of Butterfly diversity with their nectar feeding plants and host plants from AmravatiUniversity Campus".
1. Ashish D. Tiple, Arun M. Khurad, Roger L. H. Dennis.2007. "Butterfly diversity in relation to a human-impact gradient on an Indian university campus" Nota Lepidopterologica. 30(1/2): 81–90.
2. Ashish Diliprao Tiple, Vishal P. Deshmukh, Roger L. H. Dennis. 2006. "Factors influencing nectar plant resource visits by butterflies on a university campus: implications for conservation" Nota Lepidopterologica. 28 (3/4): 213-224.
3. Ashish D. Tiple and Arun M. Khurad. 2008 “Butterfly diversity of seminary hill Nagpur (central India) with their habitat and occurrence” FRASERIA, in press.
4. Ashish D. Tiple, Arun M. Khurad, Roger L. H. Dennis. 2008 “Broad taxonomic associations between butterflies and flowering nectar plants. Parallels and discrepancies between a tropical and temperate community” In preparation