INTECOL was formed in 1967, as the Ecology / Environmental Section of the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS).
(Board members typically took office at the International Congresses of Ecology)
1967 ~ 1972
President : Prof. Arthur D. Hasler, Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin, 680 N. Park Street, Madison, WI 53706, USA
Vice President : Prof. Charles Sauvage, Institut de Botanique-Faculte des Sciences, 5 Rue Auguste Broussonet, 34 Montpellier, France
Secretary General : Dr. F. H. Whitehead, Institute of Biology, 41 Queen��s Gate, London SW7, UK
Treasurer : Dr. Maksim Todorovi?, Institute for Biological Research, 29 Novembra 142, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Members-at-Large :
Prof. W. H. van Dobben, Institute of Ecological Research, Kemperbergerweg 11, Arnhem, The Netherlands
Prof. C. S. Hollings, Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Prof. Jurgen Jacobs, Department of Zoology, Techniche Universitat Munchen, Luisenstrasse 14, Munchen, Germany (FRG)
Prof. George A. Knox, Department of Zoology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 5, New Zealand
Prof. R. D. Misra, Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-5, Uttar Pradesh, India
Prof. E. Steelman Nielsen, Department of Botany, Danmarks Farmaceutiske H��jskole, Universitetsparken 2, Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof. P. B. Vipper, Laboratory of Biogeocenology, Gubkin-Str. 16, Korp. 2, KV 1, Moscow, W-222, USSR
1973 ~ 1974
President : Prof. Arthur D. Hasler, Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin, 680 N. Park Street, Madison, WI 53706, USA
Vice President : Prof. Charles Sauvage, Institut de Botanique-Faculte des Sciences, 5 Rue Auguste Broussonet, 34 Montpellier, France
Secretary General : Prof. George A. Knox, Department of Zoology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 5, New Zealand (beginning 1974)
Treasurer : Dr. Maksim Todorovi?, Institute for Biological Research, 29 Novembra 142, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Members-at-Large :
Prof. Francoise Bourliere, Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris, 45 Rue des St.-Peres, 75 Paris 6, France
Prof. V. Delucchi, Entomologischie Institut, Universitatstrasse 2, 8006 Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. W. H. van Dobben, Institute of Ecological Research, Kemperbergerweg 11, Arnhem, The Netherlands
Prof. C. S. Hollings, Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Prof. Amyan Macfayden, Department of Environmental Studies, The New University of Ulster, Coleraine BT52 1SA, Northern Ireland
Prof. R. D. Misra, Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-5, Uttar Pradesh, India
Prof. P. B. Vipper, Soviet-Mongolian Bio-Expedition, B. Odrynka 21/16, Moscow 113035, USSR
I International Congress of Ecology, The Hague, The Netherlands, 8-14 September, 1974. ��Structure, Functions and Management of Ecosystems,�� organized by INTECOL and the Netherlands Ecological Society
1974 ~ 1978
President : Prof. Amyan Macfadyen, School of Biological and Environmental Studies, The New University of Ulster, Coleraine BT52 1SA, Northern Ireland
Past President : Prof. Arthur D. Hasler, Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin, 680 N. Park Street, Madison, WI 53706, USA
Secretary General : Prof. George A. Knox, Department of Zoology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 5, New Zealand
Treasurer : Dr. Livia Tonolli, Istituo Italiano di Idrobiologia, Pallanza (Novara) 28048, Italy
Members-at-Large :
Prof. A. E. E. Abdoul-Nasr, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
Prof. W. B. Banage, Department of Biology, University of Zambia, P. O. Box 2379, Luska, Zambia
Prof. Michael Evenari, Department of Botany, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Dr. Jan Kvet, Institute of Botany, ?SAV, Hydrobotany Department, Dukelska 145, 379 82 T?ebo?, Czechoslovakia
Prof. Jorge Morello, Ecologia Agraria, Centro de Recursos Naturales, INTA-Casteler, Provinca de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Prof. M. Numata, Laboratory of Ecology, Faculty of Science, Chiba University, Chiba 260, Japan
Dr. K. Petrusewicz, Institute of Ecology, Polish Academy of Science, Dziekanow Le?ney, 05-150 Lomianki, Poland
Prof. Henry A. Regier, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
II International Congress of Ecology, Jerusalem, Israel, 10-16 September, 1978. ��The Future of Ecology,�� organized by INTECOL and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1978 ~ 1982
President : Prof. George A. Knox, Department of Zoology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 5, New Zealand
Past President : Prof. Amyan Macfadyen, School of Biological and Environmental Studies, The New University of Ulster, Coleraine BT52 1SA, Northern Ireland
Vice President : Prof. R. Klekowski, Institute of Ecology, Polish Academy of Science, Dziekanow Le?ney, 05-150 Lomianki, Poland
Secretary General : Prof. Staffan Ulfstrand, Institute of Zoology, University of Uppsala, S-751 22 Uppsala, Sweden
Treasurer : Prof. Frank B. Golley, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA
Members-at-Large :
Prof. Michael Evenari, Department of Botany, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Prof. Jose I. D. Furtado, Department of Zoology, University of Malaya, Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Prof. Arturo Gomez-Pompa, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones sobre Recursos Bioticos, Jalapa-Veracruz, Mexico
Prof. Wladyslaw Grodzi?ski, Department of Animal Ecology, Jagiellonian University, Krupnicza 50, 30-060 Krakow, Poland
Prof. Maxime Lamotte, Laboratoire de Zoologie, Ecole Normale Superieure, 46 Rue d��Ulm, 75005 Paris, France
Prof. Otto L. Lange, Botanisches Institut der Universitat Mittlerer, Dallenbergweg 64, D-8700 Wurzburg, Germany (BRD)
Prof. K. Petrusewicz, Institute of Ecology, PAN, PL-0515 Dziekanow Le?ney, Poland
Prof. George C. Varley, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
III International Congress of Ecology, Poland, 1982 (cancelled due to political problems in Poland at the time)
1982 ~ 1986
President : Prof. Francois Bourliere, Medicine and Ecology, University of Paris, 15 Avenue de Tourville, F-75007 Paris, France
Past President : Prof. George A. Knox, Department of Zoology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 5, New Zealand
Vice Presidents : Prof. Robert L. Burgess and Prof. Mohan K. Wali, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, State University of New York, Syracuse, NY 13210 USA
Secretary General : Prof. Frank B. Golley, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA
Treasurer : Prof. Wladyslaw Grodzi?ski, Department of Animal Ecology, Jagiellonian University, Krupnicza 50, 30-060 Krakow, Poland
Members-at-Large :
Prof. Reinhard Bornkamm, Institute of Ecology, Technical University of Berlin, Rothenburgstrasse 12, D 1000 Berlin 41, Germany (FRG)
Dr. Eric A. G. Duffy, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood Experimental. Station, Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon PE17 2LS, UK
Dr. Eduardo Fuentes, Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile, Laboratorio de Ecologia, Casilla 114-D, Santiago, Chile
Prof. Jose I. D. R. Furtado, Department of Zoology, University of Malaya, Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Prof. Radomir Lakusic, Ecological Societies of Yugoslavia, Vojrode Putnika 43a, 71600 Sarajevo, Yugoslavia
Prof. Ma Shi-jun, Research Center of Ecology, Academia Sinica, 7 Zhongguancun Road, Beijing 100080, People��s Republic of China
Prof. Vladmir E. Sokolov, Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of Animals, USSR Academy of Science, 33 Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow 117071, USSR
Dr. Nils Chr. Stenseth, Zoological Institute, University of Oslo, Blindern, Oslo, Norway
IV International Congress of Ecology, Syracuse, New York, USA, 10-16 August, 1986. ��Global Connections in Ecological Theory and Practice,�� organized by INTECOL and the Ecological Societyof America
1986 ~ 1990
President : Prof. Frank B. Golley, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA
Past President : Prof. Francois Bourliere, Medicine and Ecology, University of Paris, 15 Avenue de Tourville, F-75007 Paris, France
Vice-Presidents : Prof. Hiroya Kawanabe, Department of Zoology, Kyoto University, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto 606, Japan; Prof. Toshiro Saeki, Department of Botany, University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan; Dr. Kinji Hogetsu, 2-5-13 Kinugaoka, Hachiooji City, Tokyo, Japan; Prof. Akira Miyaki, Department of Vegetation Science, Yokohama National University, Yokohama 240, Japan
Secretary General : Prof. Paul F. Maycock, Ecological Laboratory, Erindale College, University of Toronto, Mississauga, Ontario L5L 1C6, Canada
Treasurer : Prof. Helmut Lieth, Fachbereich Biologie/Chemie, Universitat Osnabruck, D-4500 Osnabruck, Germany (FRG)
Members-at-Large :
Dr. Eric A. G. Duffy, Institute of. Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood Experimental. Station, Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon PE17 2LS, UK
Dr. Eduardo Fuentes, Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile, Laboratorio de Ecologia, Casilla 114-D, Santiago, Chile
Prof. Jose I. D. R. Furtado, Department of Zoology, University of Malaya, Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Prof. George A. Knox, Department of Zoology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 5, New Zealand
Prof. Radomir Lakusic, Ecological Societies of Yugoslavia, Vojrode Putnika 43a, 71600 Sarajevo, Yugoslavia
Prof. Ma Shi-jun, Research Center of Ecology, Academia Sinica, 7 Zhongguancun Road, Beijing 100080, People��s Republic of China
Dr. H. Marinov, Department of Economical Ecology, Higher Institute of Finance and Economics, 5250 Svichtov, Bulgaria
Dr. Jan Pinowski, Institute of Ecology, PAN, Dziekanow Le?ney, Lomianki 05-150, Poland
Prof. Vladimir E. Sokolov, Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of Animals, USSR Academy of Science, 33 Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow 117071, USSR
V International Congress of Ecology, Yokohama, Japan, 23-30 August, 1990. ��Development of Ecological Perspectives for the 21st Century,�� organized by INTECOL and the Ecological Society of Japan
1990 ~ 1994
President : Prof. Wolfgang Haber, School of Landscape Ecology, Munich University of Technology, Weihenstephen 8050, Freising 12, Germany (FRG)
Past President : Prof. Frank B. Golley, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA
Vice-President : Prof. John A. Lee, Department of Environmental Biology, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK
Secretary General : Prof. Rebecca R. Sharitz, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Drawer E, Aiken, South Carolina 29802, USA
Treasurer : Prof. Hiroya Kawanabe, Department of Zoology, Kyoto University, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto 606, Japan
Members-at-Large :
Prof. Eduardo Fuentes, Laboratorie de Ecologia, Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile, Casilla 114-D, Santiago, Chile
Prof. Helmut Lieth, Fachbereich Biologie/Chemie, Universitat Osnabruck, D-4500 Osnabruck, Germany (FRG)
Prof. Harold A. Mooney, Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
Prof. Lech Ryszkowski, Research Centre for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan 60-809, Poland
Prof. Vladimir E. Sokolov, Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Animal Ecology, USSR Academy of Science, 33 Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow 117071, USSR
Prof. Sir Richard Southwood, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, South Park Road, Oxford, UK
VI International Congress of Ecology, Manchester, United Kingdom, 21-26 August 1994. ��Progress to Meet the Challenge of Environmental Change,�� organized by INTECOL and the British Ecological Society
1994 ~ 1998 / 1996 ~ 1998
President : Prof. Akira Miyaki, Japanese Center for International Studies in Ecology. Shonan Village Center, 156039 Kami-Yamaguchi, Hayama-Machi, Kanagawa 240-01, Japan (1996-1998)
Past President : Prof. Wolfgang Haber, School of Landscape Ecology, Munich University of Technology, Weihenstephen 8050, Freising 12, Germany (FRG) (1994 ?-1998)
Vice-President : Prof. Almo Farina, Laboratory of Landscape Ecology, Lunigiana Museum of Natural History, Fortezza della Brunella, I-54011 Aulla, Italy (1996-1998)
Secretary General : Prof. Rebecca R. Sharitz, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Drawer E, Aiken, South Carolina 29802, USA
Treasurer : Prof. Bernd Markert, Internationales Hochschlinstitut Zittau, Markt 23, D-02763 Zittau, Germany
Members-at-Large :
Prof. R. S. Ambasht, Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, India
Prof. Valerie Brown, International Institute of Entomology, 56 Queen��s Gate, London, SW7 5JR, UK
Prof. Frank B. Golley, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA
Prof. Helmut Lieth, Fachbereich Biologie/Chemie, Universitat Osnabruck, D-49076 Osnabruck, Germany
Prof. Peter Poschlod, Department of Biology, Nature Conservation, Philipps University, D-35032 Marburg, Germany
Prof. Lech Ryszkowski, Research Centre for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences, 60-809 Poznan, Poland
VII International Congress of Ecology, Florence, Italy, 19-25 July 1998. ��New Tasks for Ecologists after Rio,�� organized by INTECOL and the Italian Ecological Society
1998 ~ 2002
President : Prof. John A. Lee, Department of Environmental Biology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK
Past President : Prof. Akira Miyaki, Japanese Center for International Studies in Ecology. Shonan Village Center, 156039 Kami-Yamaguchi, Hayama-Machi, Kanagawa 240-01, Japan
Vice-President : Prof. Byun-Sun Ihm, Department of Biology, Mokpo National University, Muan-Gun 534-729, Chonnan, Korea
Secretary General : Prof. Almo Farina, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, The University of Urbino, Sogesta , 61029 Urbino, Italy
Treasurer : Prof. R. Eugene Turner, Center for Wetlands Resources, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
Members-at-Large :
Prof. Valerie K. Brown, International Institute of Entomology, 56 Queen��s Gate, London, SW7 5JR, UK
Prof. Kazue Fujiwara, Graduate School of Environment and Information Science, Yokohama National University, Yokohama 240, Japan
Prof. Richard J. Hobbs, School of Environmental Science, Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia 6150
Prof. Bernd Markert, Internationales Hochschlinstitut Zittau, Markt 23, D-02763 Zittau, Germany
Prof. Rebecca R. Sharitz, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Drawer E, Aiken, South Carolina 29802, USA
Prof. Rusong Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, People��s Republic of China
VIII International Congress of Ecology, Seoul, Korea, 11-18 August, 2002. ��Ecology in a Changing World�� organized by INTECOL and the Ecological Society of Korea
2002 ~ 2005
President : Prof. John A. Lee, Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK
Past President : Prof. Akira Miyaki, Japanese Center for International Studies in Ecology. Shonan Village Center, 156039 Kami-Yamaguchi, Hayama-Machi, Kanagawa 240-01, Japan
Vice-President : Prof. Rebecca R. Sharitz, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Drawer E, Aiken, South Carolina 29802, USA
Secretary General : Prof. Eun-Shik Kim, Department of Forest Resources, Kookmin University, Songbuk-gu, Seoul 136-702, Korea
Treasurer : Prof. R. Eugene Turner, Center for Wetlands Resources, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 USA
Members-at-Large :
Prof. Valerie Brown, Centre for Agri-Environmental Research, University of Reading, Earley Gate, P.O. Box 237, Reading RG6 6AR, UK
Prof. Alan P. Covich, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 USA
Prof. Almo Farina, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Biology, The University of Urbino, Sogesta, 61029 Urbino, Italy
Prof. Kazue Fujiwara, School of Environment and Information Sciences, Yokohama National University, Tokiwadai 79-7, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama 240-8501, Japan
Prof. John Grace, Institute of Ecology and Resource Management, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3JU, UK
Dr. Sun-Kee Hong, Environmental Planning Institute, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea
Dr. Pavel Krestov, Institute of Biology and Soil Science,Vladivostok, 690022, Russia
Prof. Azim U. Mallik, Department of Biology, Lakehead University, 955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 5E1, Canada
Prof. Bernd Markert, Internationales Hochschulinstitut Zittau, Markt 23, D-02763, Zittau, Germany
Prof. Dan L. Perlman, Department of Biology, Brandeis University, 415 South Street, Waltham, MA 02454-9110, USA
Prof. Rusong Wang, Center for Ecological and Environmental Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, People��s Republic of China
IX International Congress of Ecology, Montreal, Canada, 7-12 August 2005. ��Ecology at Multiple Scales,�� organized by INTECOL and the Ecological Society of America
2005 ~ 2009
President : Prof. John A. Lee, Department of Animal and Plant Sciences,
University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK
Past President : Prof. Akira Miyaki, Japanese Center for International Studies in Ecology. Shonan Village Center, 156039 Kami-Yamaguchi, Hayama-Machi, Kanagawa 240-01, Japan
Vice-President : Prof. Craig James, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Alice Springs, NT 0871, Australia
Secretary General : Prof. Eun-Shik Kim, Department of Forest Resources, Kookmin University, Seoul 136-702, Korea
Treasurer : Prof. Azim U. Mallik, Department of Biology, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7B 5E1 Canada
Members-at-Large :
Prof. Alan P. Covich, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA
Prof. Almo Farina, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Biology, The University of Urbino, Sogesta, 61029 Urbino, Italy
Prof. Bojie Fu, Bureau of Natural Resources and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100864, People��s Republic of China
Prof. John Grace, Institute of Ecology and Resource Management, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3JU, UK
Prof. Sun-Kee Hong, Environmental Planning Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea
Dr. Pavel Krestov, Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Vladivostok 690022, Russia
Prof. Bernd Markert, Internationales Hochschulinstitut Zittau, D-02763 Zittau, Germany
Prof. Dan L. Perlman, Department of Biology, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 02454-9110, USA
Prof. Rebecca R. Sharitz, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Drawer E, Aiken, SC 29802, USA
Dr. Patrick Silan, French Ecological Society, CNRS Guyane, 97300 Cayenne, Guyane Francaise, France
Prof. R. Eugene Turner, Center for Wetlands Resources, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 USA
Prof. Jos T.A. Verhoeven, Section of Landscape Ecology, Utrecht University, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands
Prof. Rusong Wang, Ecological Society of ��, Center for Ecological and Environmental Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, Peoples Republic of China
Prof. Takakazu Yumoto, Research Institute of Humanity and Nature, Kyoto 602-0878, Japan
X International Congress of Ecology, Brisbane, Australia 16-21 August, 2009. ��Ecology in a Changing Climate: Two Hemispheres, One Globe,�� organized by INTECOL and the Ecological Society of Australia in partnership with The New Zealand Ecological Society
? This listing was prepared by Dr. Jorge Cancela da Fonseca, Directeur de recherche honoraire au CNRS, Paris, France, and by Dr. Rebecca R. Sharitz, Professor of Plant Biology, University of Georgia, USA (both members of INTECOL)